Most Common Blackjack Mistakes

From Our Database of Over 17 Million Hands Played!

Top 21 Misplayed Hands

See the most common mistakes players make. This data is based on the default game settings of our blackjack trainer, which is:

  • Dealer hits soft 17
  • 6+ Decks
  • Double allowed after split
  • Allow Surrender
  • Blackjack pays 3:2
  • 3 Re-splits allowed

If the rules are changed, strategy changes slightly as well. Therefore, these hands will not apply to every variation of Blackjack.

We’ve recorded and saved over 17 million blackjack hands played and analyzed that data to find the most common mistakes made. When playing blackjack, you have to rely on mathematical odds, not intuition, luck, hope, or gut feelings. You may be surprised with some of our findings below!

Always check the rules on your table and use as a reference.

#1: A7 (Soft 18) v T

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Stand
Correct Strategy: Hit

Since many people tend follow the adage to stand with a 17 or better, they often forget that soft hands should be treated differently. It is true that you should stand with hard 17+, but you need to be hitting soft 17 against a dealer ten (and soft 18 as well.)

#2: 88 v A

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Split
Correct Strategy: Surrender

You have likely heard “always split Aces and Eights.” And while that is mostly true it’s better strategy to surrender the pair of 8s against an ace.

#3: 16 v 9/T/A

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Surrender

Another hand that will likely trip you up if you’re not using to surrendering. If surrender is an option, you should surrender a 16 against any 9, ten, or ace. Hit is the correct option if the table does not allow surrender.

#4: 11 v A

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Double

Don’t be afraid to double your 11 against an ace!

#5: 22/33 v 7

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Split

All pairs of twos and threes are a split through a dealer 7. Don’t be afraid to split against the 7! You should only hit with these pairs if the dealer shows an 8 or better.

#6: 99 v 7

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Split
Correct Strategy: Stand

A pair of nines are a bit tricky. You should split any pair except against a dealer 7, T, or Ace. Even though you should split 99 against a dealer 8 or 9, you should stand against a dealer 7.

#7: A7 (Soft 18) v 3/4/5/6

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Stand
Correct Strategy: Double

A7, or soft 18, is one of the trickiest hands to play and it’s back again. If doubling is allowed, you need to double A7 against a dealer 2, 3, 4, or 5.

#8: 44 v 2/3/4

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Split
Correct Strategy: Hit

People commonly think it’s correct to split 44 against anything below a 7 when in fact you should only split 44 against a dealer 5 or 6. Hit anything else.

#9: 12 v 2/3

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Stand
Correct Strategy: Hit

With a 12, you need to be hitting against a dealer 2 or 3. Often times people fear getting a face card and busting, but it’s optimal strategy to hit!

#10: A2/A3 (Soft 13/14) v 4

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Double
Correct Strategy: Hit

These soft hands are among the trickiest hands to play correctly. Another common mistake is doubling with A2/A3 against a dealer 4. The correct strategy is to hit and you should only double against a dealer 5 or 6.

#11: A4/A5 (Soft 15/16) v 4

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Double

And the reverse of the previous hand, you should always double your A4/A5 against a dealer 4, 5, or 6.

#12: A6 (Soft 17) v 2/7

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Double
Correct Strategy: Hit

The mistakes with soft hands continues! When you’re holding an A6, always hit against a dealer 2 or 7.

#13: A6 (Soft 17) v 3/4/5/6

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Double

Surprised to see another soft hand? Always double your A6 (soft 17) against a dealer 3, 4, 5, or 6.

#14: 55 v 9

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Split
Correct Strategy: Double

Don’t ever split 5s. Double anything up to a dealer 9, and hit against a 10 or Ace.

#15: 13/14 v 2/3/4/5/6

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Stand

13 and 14 are rather straight forward hands to play. Stand on a dealer 2-6 and hit on a dealer 7-Ace. However, some people get tripped up since these are lower valued hands.

#16: T v T

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Double
Correct Strategy: Hit

Double any Ten except against a dealer Ten or Ace. Hit against a Ten or Ace!

#17: T v 9

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Double

Don’t be afraid to double your 10 against a dealer 9, it’s the correct play!

#18: 15 v T/A

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Surrender

Another surrender issue. 15 is a really bad hand to have and if the dealer is showing a Ten or Ace, it’s better to just surrender and get half your bet back.

#19: 11 v T

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Double

Remember, always double 11!

#20: 88 v T

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Hit
Correct Strategy: Split

Split 8s against almost any dealer hand, including a ten! (The only time you shouldn’t is hand #2 on this list, surrender against an Ace.)

#21: 99 v T

Player Dealer

Common Mistake: Split
Correct Strategy: Stand

Stand, stand, stand!

More Stats

Do you have any ideas for additional stats that would be useful to reference from our 17+ million hands? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us to make suggestions!

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Most Common Blackjack Mistakes
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